Ni No Kuni Wiki
Name Atk Def M. Atk M. Def Eva Acc Available

Old Stick

(木の棒 rod/pole of wood)
+2 - +5 - - - Story event: Motorville

Magic Wand

(まほうのみみかき magic ear-cleaning pick)
+6 - +14 - - - Story event: Ding Dong Dell
Mornstar w/o stones +12 - +26 - - - Story event: The Tombstone Trail
Mornstar w stones +32 - +63 - - - Story event: Perdida

Imperial Scepter

+70 - +35 - - - Marcassin's initial wand


+54 - +75 - - - The Ivory Tower

Sky Tree Wand

+88 - +62 - - - Alchemy: Recipe 134